Armstrong Glen, P.C. specializes in capital storm water projects, with over 40 large multi-year projects completed or on-going. Other water resources specialties include: Pond dam rehabilitation, CLOMR & LOMR studies, and BMP design.
Armstrong Glen, P.C. has completed over 60 utility projects ranging from small sewer/water line relocations to multi-mile large diameter water line projects. Armstrong Glen, P.C. also specializes in water and sewer plant design, pump station and force main design, and storage tank analysis.
Armstrong Glen, P.C. specializes in roadway and intersection design. In addition, Armstrong Glen, P.C. and has designed over 100 miles of retrofit sidewalk for various local municipalities. Other specialties include: Downtown re-development, accessible ramp design, paved and gravel parking lot design, and greenway trail/bridge design.
Armstrong Glen, P.C. handles all structural analysis and design in-house, with over 50 combined years of experience among the engineering staff. Specialties include pedestrian and vehicular bridge design, concrete & block retaining walls, non-standard concrete storm water structures, loading docks, structural inspection, and building design.